2016-09-23 Richland Creek Wilderness Area: Twin Falls Devils Fork

Last year we took our Old 97 Dodge Van to Richland Creek Wilderness area for the weekend to hike to Twin Falls, Devils Fork Waterfall. We managed to pass the little fork in the Creek and ended up at Richland Falls.
This year, we did it a little more comfortably, in Tony (the Travato), and I finally made it there (I think this was my 4th or 5th attempt to find this elusive spot).

Its a 2-1/2 mile hike (good workout) up Richland Creek in to the wilderness area. The entire hike is beautiful, and scattered with wonderful little holes of water to stop and swim in for a bit. The water is turquoise and amazingly clean and clear.



Here is the fork to look for; A right angle turn in the creek to the left, and this huge angled sycamore points the way to Devils Fork. The creek looks dry at the point it enters Richland, the water is underground.


I’ve seen the water higher when determined photographers make the hike in and get those awesome shots of thundering waterfalls, but that would probably entail a lot more “wading” and river crossings than we were up for. It was perfect for us; the water was high enough to fill all the swimming holes, yet low enough so we did not have to worry about currents.img_6481-2


img_6472-2Saturday night we had visitors at the campsite to share steak, salad, and baked potatoes over the fire. With Birthday cake to boot.

dinnerHappy Birthday to me.

Another awesome weekend in the Ozarks with this fine lady.

Sunday, we sat down by the river, and I worked on a Plein air of the Richland Creek campground swimming hole while Jennifer read a book. 


Fall is coming, so I helped Mother Nature color the trees up a bit more..


Maybe I’ll finish it tonight..

The Final result is on the Next Post

Life is good.