Edd French is an Real Estate Broker, an art collector, and one of the first people I got to know in Newton County. He sold me two different pieces of property over the last couple decades.
His wife Ilonka, saw this print in someone else’s home and fell in love with it. Edd snapped a picture of it, and asked me if I could do my interpretation of it; this was his photo:

First, I get some color on the canvas.

I loved the rough texture of the door, so I added some texture of my own with heavy paint and a pallete knife.

Blocking in the background and adding some value:

More texture, darks and lights:

Sketching/placing the door knob.

Refinements and adding cracks in the paint.

Blocking in the Bird with white so colors will be clean and bright:

Painting the Wren:

Finishing touches and signature.

This painting will be a Christmas present for Ilonka.